From the Editors

Visit our publisher's website for Issue No. 88-89, "The Strike and Contemporary Protest" edited by Josep Maria Antentas, issue No. 90, featuring a lead essay by the late Michael Lebowitz titled: "Primitive Socialist Accumulation." [updated: June 28th, 2024]

Our most recent print issue, nominally July - November 2021, appeared in February 2023. We will be publishing two special issues and two general issues in the next few months. Josep Maria Antentas's "Strikes Today"  and Liz Mestres's anthology of articles by the late Richard Levins are in production. [Updated 8/1/2023]

Our double issue (#86-87) has been shipped to subscribers. We have three issues (88-90) nearing final publication, one entitled, "Strikes Today," another on activist and scientist Richard Levins, and the third is a general issue. [Updated 2/1/2023]

Our vital double-issue (long-promised in these updates) is almost ready. We have revised its contents to include articles recently published online - topics include Russia, Ukraine and imperialism in the semi-periphery, re-reading the 1970s and full employment, and what went wrong with Social Democracy. We also publish a new interview with Helena Sheehan. [Updated 8/3/2022]     

Our double issue (#86-87) is still in preparation in tandem with issue 88 (March 2022) and 89 (July 2022) however we moving the special section addressing political education and alternative institutions into issue 88. The double issue includes papers on the concept of the common good, Cuban democracy, full employment, Isaiah Berlin's liberalism, and interviews with US-based socialist activists. [Updated 1/26/22]  

A double issue (86-87) featuring a section addressing political education and alternative institutions including Afrocentric education is in preparation under the editorship of Yusuf Nuruddin. The issue also includes a conversation with the Russian artist Keti Chukhrov and the concept of the common good. [Updated 11/28/21]  

Issue 85 is now available both online and in print. Among the many topics addressed are the national question in Spain, China's development model and US nationalism, the Korean War's POWs, and global authoritarian populist currents. [updated 10/12/21]

The print version of our March 2021 issue will be in the mail shortly. However many of its articles and reviews are currently available online at our publisher's site. It includes the latest installment of Thomas Powell's investigation into the US war against Korea; this time Thomas addresses the situation of POWs. [Updated 7/28/21

Our July-November 2020 combined issue (#83-84) is in production and will soon be in the mail. We are finalizing our March 2021 issue (#85) for production. Among the papers that we will publishing is one that addresses the continuing wave of anti-China/Chinese nationalism being expressed in the United States; it is a startling continuity between the Trump and Biden administrations.  The author, Jerry Harris, examines the relationships between Western capitalsts and both state-owned and private corporations domiciled in China closely. This entry point opens the door to a more rigorous theorization of global capitalism allowing us to distinguish between nationalist propaganda and underlying relationships and shared interests. For an earlier study by the author, see his paper, "China's Road from Socialism to Global Capitalism," published in the journal, Third World Quarterly. [updated 3/4/21]

A recent paper by Joseph G. Ramsey, "Sifting the “Stony Soil” of Black Marxism," is attracting considerable interest as it engages sympathetically, but critically with Cedric Robinson's treatment of the Black Marxists, including W. E. B. du Bois, C. L. R. James, and Richard Wright. Ramsey focuses on conceptual tensions in Robinson's analysis of racial capitalism and his use of Richard Wright as an exemplar of the Black Radical Tradition. On March 25, 2021, in partnership with Shelter & Solidarity, S&D will be hosting a public conversation about this paper. We are also considering the publication of responses to Ramsey's paper in our July 2021 issue. (updated 2/10/21)

Our most recent print publication is a special issue entitled, "Movements at the Millennium: Seattle+20," edited by Ben Manski and Hillary Lazar (mailed out 1/25/2021). This timely issue reviews the transformations shaping and shaped by US social movements over the last two decades. It takes the "The Seattle Model" as its starting point and arrives at the current socialist turn defining contemporary grassroots movements. On March 11, 2021, the editors and many contributors are hosting an online panel discussion, "1990s-2020s: The Millennial Turns and this Decisive Decade," facilitated by Suren Moodliar (S&D) and The Progressive's Norman Stockwell. This conversation is made all the more relevant by both the recent turbulence buffeting the US electoral transition and by grassroots pressures on the incoming Biden administration. (updated 2/3/21)