S & D in Real Time

From the Editors

Visit our publisher's website for Issue No. 88-89, "The Strike and Contemporary Protest" edited by Josep Maria Antentas, issue No. 90, featuring a lead essay by the late Michael Lebowitz titled: "Primitive Socialist Accumulation." [updated: June 28th, 2024]... Read more

S&D in Real Time

S&D Real Time is a place for commentary, discussions and debate on matters of concern to the working class as a whole. Content shared here is curated by the Research Group on Socialism and Democracy but does not necessarily reflect any “official” perspective or endorsement. Unlike our journal, published three times a year, the content shared here are not subject to a peer-review process.

Victor Wallis

In a new essay, published in Capitalism Nature Socialism, S&D's editor-at-large, Victor Wallis, looks at how the political Right has taken advantage of the Left's failure to extend its anti-capitalist perspective to address Big Pharma's influence on the public health agenda. Readers for whom the above link does not work may request a... Read more

Joe Ramsey

S&D Editorial Board member, Joe Ramsey recently joined C. S. Soong of KPFA's Against the Grain (AtG) to discuss Ramsey's recent essay, "Never Throw Away the Key: The Compassionate Radicalism of Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy." From... Read more

Victor Wallis

Milton Fisk (1932-2022) was a dedicated and distinguished philosopher/activist. His principal link to our journal was an article he published in 2000 entitled "Neoliberalism and the Slow Death of Public Healthcare in Mexico" [This issue of S&D (#27) is not available on the gratis S&D website, but I still have a stock of printed copies. I will... Read more

Marcello Musto

Our dear friend George Comninel passed away suddenly yesterday [August 18, 2022].

Born in 1951, George was a faculty member at the Department of Politics of York University since 1990. During his career, he was the author of remarkable theoretical contributions.

His first book –... Read more

Victor Wallis
Steve McGiffen

Steven McGiffen

 I want to honor Steve McGiffen, who died in August.

Steve was a regular contributor to S&D over the past decade, beginning with his organizing a special section in issue #56 (2011) entitled "Democracy vs Neoliberalism in the European Union." My collaboration and friendship with him date back to the huge May 1998 gathering in Paris, celebrating the 150th... Read more

John W. Lawrence

For 20 years, the motto of the World Social Forum has been another world is possible…  As we meet today that question is overshadowed by another one.  Is this world possible?  And the answer is “no.”  This world is not possible.  This world is hurdling to self-annihilation.  And only the creation of another world can reverse this course.  Luckily, another world is still possible, though the chances of... Read more

Victor Wallis

Two critical updates from Socialism and Democracy's Editor-at-Large, Victor Wallis.

Report #1: S&D contributor Kevin "Rashid" Johnson has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The first indications of this were already evident last October, but it was not until 7 months later that he got a full diagnosis. You can read Rashid's own account here.

The... Read more

Mat Callahan

The new album It Is Right to Rebel by Mat Callahan & Yvonne Moore and friends is out now on vinyl and all major streaming platforms.

It is Right To Rebel is an exciting and thought provoking new record from Mat Callahan & Yvonne Moore and friends. The double LP consisting of 15 tracks is mostly rooted in american folk music, but incorporates elements from rock, blues, spirituals and roots music. Lyrically it... Read more

Matt Meyer
Lancement de la campagne de vaccination contre la COVID-19 (Benin)

The Struggle Against COVID, Creative Commons photo from Présidence de la République du Bénin

Following a lengthy and sometimes heated movement listserv debate over COVID and related public health measures, Matt Meyer was prompted to write the message below. While Matt's email is addressed to the specific list's subscribers and posters, the debate is of broader interest and playing out on multiple platforms. Matt's email has been lightly edited to remove list-specific references.

From Matt: I write with... Read more

Joel Sronce

Rails, Stock Photo, Creative Commons

Joel Sronce's poem, "A Tremble in the Rails," has just been published by S&D (visit journal page at Taylor and Francis to view the original). Joel is a writer and organizer from North Carolina. His work has been featured in JacobinSocialist WorkerPiedmont Left ReviewThird World Resurgence, as well... Read more